
Although I try to live my life without regrets, I often wish I had discovered yoga at a much earlier age. And not just the physical practice (although I am always happy to sing praise about the benefits of that.) Knowing and practicing yogic wisdom early in my life would have influenced it for the better — I am certain of that.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this because it’s graduation season. So many young people, degrees in hand, are eager to explore their potential and unleash their powerful energy on the world. They get inundated with advice about how to find or keep a job, how to be successful, how to maximize their earning potential. However, it seems to me that except for those (hopefully) inspirational ceremonial speeches, they get less guidance on how to be at work.

Truly, I wouldn’t swap the life I have today for another,  and yet still I would love to go back and advise that oh-so-young me at college graduation, that 21-year-old aspiring journalist and soon-to-be mother.

No one has ever invited me to deliver a commencement address, but then again, why wait for an invitation? Seize the day, as they say! In two parts, I’m going to share some of the yogic wisdom I wish the young me knew about as she began her first professional newspaper job, four months after graduation and three months after having a baby. I am certain that if young me had created practices based on this advice back then, she would have been a more productive worker, a more skillful supervisor, a more effective leader. Throughout her career, she would have been more satisfied (and sane) in life and in work.

The five precepts contained in the First Limb of Yoga (the Yamas), often referred to as universal morality, provide a brilliant career road map. The Indian sage Patanjali, often called the father of yoga because he wrote down the ancient precepts that had been shared orally for generations, saw them as a necessity for “the broad training of humanity.” Each precept stands alone like fingers on a hand. And each depends on the other, just as the hand is made stronger and better with all five fingers.

Here is my retroactive graduation advice to young Maren:

Non-violence (ahmisa): Be compassionate to yourself. Learn to silence the voice of that harsh inner critic who whispers (or shouts) that you are not good enough, that you don’t belong, that what others think of you is what really matters. Treat yourself with the same unbounded love and care you instantly felt when your newborn daughter was placed in your arms, and extend that to everyone. Remember that violent acts don’t have to be physical. Cutting words, vicious gossip, blaming others instead of owning your own contribution to a problem — these things and more constitute violence.

Non-lying (satya): Understand that speaking your truth, no matter how difficult, is an essential gift, even if it makes you or others uncomfortable.  Temper your truth by acknowledging that others have their own truths, and be willing to listen with an open heart. Finally, know that many things can be true at the same time. Before you speak, always ask yourself these four guiding questions: 1) Is it true? 2) Is it necessary? 3) Is it kind? 4) Does it improve upon the silence?

Non-stealing (asteya): So many things of value get stolen every day out of selfishness and lack of mindfulness. Open your eyes to the value of people’s time and energy, and ask for it judiciously. When you are being paid for your work, be sure that you are giving full value — to do less makes you a thief. Remember that stealing credit for others work or ideas is an egregious and unnecessary form of robbery, and that denigrating others behind their backs is a form of denying humanity and stealing reputations.

Non-squandering of vital energies (brahmacharya): Be wary of using your precious energy and resources on things that don’t serve you or others well — drama, unhealthy habits, worrying about the things over which you lack control. Refuse to become a slave to your cravings — whether it be for foods, consumer goods or attention. Honor and respect your relationships and those of others.

Non-greed (aparigraha): Remember that initial wonder at being paid for doing something you loved? Try to retain that joy, even in the face of discouragement and certain disappointment. Avoid being caught in the trap of thinking what you earn is what you are worth. That old adage “Whoever dies with the most toys wins”? It is a horrible, soul-sapping lie — don’t fall for it! As long as you can meet your needs, remember that work is about meaning, not about how many numbers are printed on your paycheck. Live simply, and be generous.

Finally, never, never, never stop learning and always, always, always be grateful for what you have.

NEXT WEEK: Advice from the Niyamas, often called yoga’s personal code of conduct.


Mahatma Gandhi said that purity is “an inherent attribute of the soul.” On the yoga mat, the postures and breathing are said to purify the body.

Purity (saucha) is the first practice called out in yoga’s Second Limb, which provides a guide to personal conduct. But this precept goes beyond hygiene — developing habits around purity can contribute to better health, a calm mind, and an aesthetically pleasing environment.

Here are three “purifying” practices that you could do at work:

Just for today, avoid the donut. 

Just for today, avoid the donut. 

For your body: We only get one body in this life — being mindful about what goes into it only makes sense. No doubt it can be difficult to choose fresh, nutrient-rich foods in the face of demanding work schedules and working lunches of cheap, convenient fast-food. (Not to mention those donuts in the break room!) But science is now revealing the true cost of a steady diet of processed, engineered, and sugary foods. It isn’t pretty.

How to create a “cleaner” food habit? Consider keeping a food journal for a few days. In addition to notes about what you eat, describe how it makes you feel. How do foods affect your energy levels, the clarity of your thinking, and your moods? If you get motivated to change, start small. If your body is your temple, begin purifying one day a week by eating only fresh, healthy foods. Or vow to forgo one unhealthy habit completely — say no to that soda, or fried foods or, yes, that last donut in the break room. Expand your practice from there.

Clean the cluttered mind. 

Clean the cluttered mind. 

For your mind: Is your mind polluted with unchecked mental chatter? How often do you simmer in the sewer of your thoughts, stewing about what is wrong rather than what’s working well? Getting rid of the clutter in your mind enhances your ability to process information, focus intently, and think creatively. One friend of ours told us about her morning ritual of "emptying the garbage in her mind" with a short meditation. If lists work for you, consider keeping them short and realistic. Setting a timer also can help create short bursts of “pure focus.”

For your environment: I have had coworkers whose system of towering stacks of scattered folders worked for them. But clutter and disorganization is usually distracting and inefficient. How much time gets lost when you can’t find what you need in the mess?

One pile at a time.

One pile at a time.

Purifying your space doesn't have to be an all-day project. Consider starting with one shelf, one drawer, or one file cabinet. As you go through the papers and desk detritus, ask yourself "When is the last time I used this? Do I have a plan for it? Might someone else have a use for it? Is this something I really need, or something I am attached to for other reasons?" Soon you’ll have a clean, organized workspace.